Moving - Back - North West

Here is a little clip from the anchorage daily news - Iditarod musher Ed Iten lists Kotzebue as his hometown, but only because it's the biggest population center near his remote ranch in Northwest Alaska.

The 56-year-old lives so far off the grid it's hard to imagine. He's a good day's hike from Kotzebue, a community of about 3,000. There isn't a stop light or Wal-Mart for hundreds of miles.

At his ranch, he raises Iditarod sled dogs and Icelandic horses with his wife and two teenagers. Their winter commute to town is by dogsled on a trail that traverses a wild and untamed land north of the Arctic Circle .

Born in Alaska, but raised in Minnesota, Iten returned north in 1973 because he wanted a secluded lifestyle. Time stands still, he said, when you live north of nowhere.


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